Alphadoctor - Skin diseases have lately increased very rapidly in Indonesia, moreover, caused by parasite infections like ticks. Terdengarnya trivial, but the disease still afflicts many of our communities were living in villages. The community often calls it with Tuma or a mite. The problem of this disease has brought a strong social stigma because the public has long been linking the disease with poverty or social and economic status is low, as well as the seedy surroundings.
Tuma or mites themselves can live in all the hair, but most live in the hair of the head and pubic. Parasites that attack the human hair in the latin term called Pediculus humanus. This parasite can only develop and grow in the lining of the human scalp. The transmission of this parasite can be directly (the hair with hair) or through intermediaries such as hats, pillows, mattresses, combs, veils are used interchangeably.
Hair lice will provide the main symptoms i.e. itching. Exposed skin will grow worse if carded and can cause a wound so as to enable recurrent infections. In children, chronic symptoms can cause anemia or a lack of blood. Anemia makes children become lethargic, sleepy in class and learning affect performance and cognitive functioning. Additionally, the infected children also experience sleep disturbances at night because of the itching and scratching often. From the psychological side, head lice infection make a child feel ashamed because isolated from other children.
The treatment is done by destroying all lice and eggs and cope with secondary infections due to scratching wounds. The best treatment is done directly in the affected skin with malathion 0.5-1% in the form of lotion or spray. This spray can be obtained by the instructions and prescription. Here's how their use of night before bed hair washed with SOAP then used lotion malathion, and the head is covered with a cloth. The next day the hair is washed with SOAP again and then combed with a jagged comb fine and meeting. The treatment can be repeated once a week when there are still fleas. But the current drugs of this type are very hard to come by.
Other drugs that are easily obtainable in Indonesia is gamma benzene cream heksaklorida (gameksan) 1% or benzoic benzl emulsion 25%. These drugs also must be obtained also by prescription and description of the doctor. Usage is then smeared silenced after 12 hours, then washed and combed so that all lice and eggs regardless. If there is still an egg, the treatment is repeated at regular intervals.
For secondary infections due to scratching, hair shaved and should be treated with antibiotics and then followed by the above-mentioned medicines in the form of shampoos. Of facility cleanliness and no contact with other people who are exposed to is a requirement not to recurring infections occur.
Tuma or mites themselves can live in all the hair, but most live in the hair of the head and pubic. Parasites that attack the human hair in the latin term called Pediculus humanus. This parasite can only develop and grow in the lining of the human scalp. The transmission of this parasite can be directly (the hair with hair) or through intermediaries such as hats, pillows, mattresses, combs, veils are used interchangeably.
Hair lice will provide the main symptoms i.e. itching. Exposed skin will grow worse if carded and can cause a wound so as to enable recurrent infections. In children, chronic symptoms can cause anemia or a lack of blood. Anemia makes children become lethargic, sleepy in class and learning affect performance and cognitive functioning. Additionally, the infected children also experience sleep disturbances at night because of the itching and scratching often. From the psychological side, head lice infection make a child feel ashamed because isolated from other children.
The treatment is done by destroying all lice and eggs and cope with secondary infections due to scratching wounds. The best treatment is done directly in the affected skin with malathion 0.5-1% in the form of lotion or spray. This spray can be obtained by the instructions and prescription. Here's how their use of night before bed hair washed with SOAP then used lotion malathion, and the head is covered with a cloth. The next day the hair is washed with SOAP again and then combed with a jagged comb fine and meeting. The treatment can be repeated once a week when there are still fleas. But the current drugs of this type are very hard to come by.
Other drugs that are easily obtainable in Indonesia is gamma benzene cream heksaklorida (gameksan) 1% or benzoic benzl emulsion 25%. These drugs also must be obtained also by prescription and description of the doctor. Usage is then smeared silenced after 12 hours, then washed and combed so that all lice and eggs regardless. If there is still an egg, the treatment is repeated at regular intervals.
For secondary infections due to scratching, hair shaved and should be treated with antibiotics and then followed by the above-mentioned medicines in the form of shampoos. Of facility cleanliness and no contact with other people who are exposed to is a requirement not to recurring infections occur.