Errors Committed Parents When A Baby Learn To Eat

Alphadoctor - One of the crucial phases which will occur after the baby is born is wean phase or the where children stop sucking BREAST MILK from his mother. It is this phase on the baby will start to recognize food as mandatory intake should be consumed per day. In addition, to introducing food in infants, this phase could also affect eating patterns in infants that will obviously affect health directly. In fact, the digestive system of an infant or toddler is clearly not yet absolutely perfect and should be treated well during this phase lasts.

The first mistake was often done by parents when children start learning to eat is to provide sugar intake is too high early on. Although sweetness is indeed likely to be preferred to the children, it's good we've started limiting foods that contain sugars like cakes because it can make babies consume excessive calories and triggers high-risk obesity and tooth decay are exposed early on. In addition to the intake of sugar, salt intake should also be restricted considering kidney organ in infants will have not really perfect to filter out the salt. If we give too much salt intake, the baby would be easily exposed to dehydration and also the problem of flatulence. Until the infant reaches the age of two years, it's good we give no food tastes and is much safer for the baby's health.

Often parents think that cow's milk will be very good for the health of the baby. The consumption of cow's milk along with BREAST MILK or even as a substitute for BREAST MILK directly, it is not suitable for the health of the fruit of the heart. Health experts mention if, before one year of age, the baby's digestive system has not really can digest a wide range of content like lactose, vitamins, and nutrients from the milk of cows that are very different from breast milk. If parents force infants to continue drinking cow's milk, it could be a baby will continue to be fussy or colicky pain and experiencing diarrhea.

Parents also should be careful in choosing the appropriate food for the digestive organs of the baby or not. For example, food nuts will clearly be at risk of causing a baby to choke so should be avoided in advance until the baby can really chew properly. In addition, the meat should not be too hasty to be served on a baby just learning to eat considering the digestive organs of babies still tend to be difficult to digest meat.


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