Alphadoctor - Hair loss is a common problem that occurs in most people lately. Ironic indeed, considering hair is a valuable asset that can improve one's physical appearance.
There is some common factor that plays a role in the occurrence of loss or hair thinning, such factors include excess stress either physical or emotional, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, how to hair care is wrong, and hereditary factors.
If you belong to one of the people who are experiencing hair loss, do not trigger panic, you don't need to spend a lot of money to buy products and do expensive treatments.
There is some common factor that plays a role in the occurrence of loss or hair thinning, such factors include excess stress either physical or emotional, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, how to hair care is wrong, and hereditary factors.
If you belong to one of the people who are experiencing hair loss, do not trigger panic, you don't need to spend a lot of money to buy products and do expensive treatments.
Here are 5 natural materials
1. Eggs
Treatment of protein on a regular basis is essential for making the hair stronger and thicker. To give the protein on the hair, the best ingredients are eggs.
Provide some eggs, depending on the length of your hair, and then whisk it properly. Apply egg on hair that has been moistened and let stand about 30 minutes. Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo that you frequently use. This protein treatment was done once or twice a week.
Another way which is also not less good is mixing one egg yolk, one tablespoon of hair oil and two tablespoons of water. Use this mixture to massage your scalp thoroughly. Used once a week to get healthy hair is thick.
2. Olive oil
In addition to the eggs, olive oil also has a perfect effectiveness in regards to nourish your hair. In addition, the natural ingredients will help soften and strengthens hair.
Choose the most natural olive oil, heat and then apply it sparingly on the hair and scalp for 30 minutes. After being silenced in a period of time, rinse the hair thoroughly using a mild shampoo. You can also apply the oil on your hair at night, and then rinsing it off the next day.
3. Avocado
Avocados can also be used to get thick hair that is able to be pleased because it moisturizes and adds to the growth of your hair. Vitamin E contained in this fruit can contribute to the overall health of Your hair strands.
Avocados can also be used to get thick hair that is able to be pleased because it moisturizes and adds to the growth of your hair. Vitamin E contained in this fruit can contribute to the overall health of Your hair strands.
Provide one avocado, mashed until smooth then. Combine with a banana which has also been finely crushed, along with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture on your scalp and allow approximately 30 minutes so that nutrients can be absorbed by the scalp. After that, rinse and wash as usual.
4. Castor oil
Castor oil when used regularly to massage your scalp, then it can give perfect thickness to your hair. The content of a high viscosity, making this material is able to protect the health of the hair and prevents hair loss. In addition, vitamin E and fatty acids in it effectively to promote hair growth.
Only use castor oil alone certainly can work well, but you should be mixing with coconut oil that has been heated. Apply on the scalp and massage with the circular motion.
Comb your hair to flatten the oil on all parts of your hair, wrap your head with a towel that has been moistened with warm water. Leave it on for at least one hour and then shampooing your hair as usual. This treatment is done once a week.
5. Aloe Vera
The other ingredients are no less popular compared to previous natural ingredient is Aloe Vera gel. Take the extracted gel from one or two leaves and apply Aloe Vera gel to your scalp. Let sit for 30 minutes before rinsing your hair with warm water. Do this once or twice a week on a regular basis.