Alphadoctor - Expectant mothers will try as much as possible so that the baby can experience contains a perfect flower growing and was born with a healthy condition without any defects. Typically, expectant mothers will look good with whatever he ate given what pregnant women will also be absorbed by the baby inside the womb. In addition, pregnant women any time as much as possible reduce the many activities that can harm the unborn child. Unfortunately, many expectant mothers are less able to manage his emotions, let alone if you have a lot of problems in the pregnancy. This emotion turns out could be bad for pregnancy!
Pregnant women who suffer stress and emotional disturbances unwittingly will also give the same stress on babies in the womb. Stress hormones will be absorbed by the baby so that the health of the baby in the womb any join deteriorate. Many cases of pregnant women who stress result in miscarriage. In addition to the miscarriage, stress on pregnant women can also trigger premature birth. Stress that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy which can cause premature birth risk becomes even higher. If the baby was born in the living conditions and complete, then the baby could have immune systems that are not perfect so there will be more vulnerable to illness. Many cases in which babies born prematurely because pregnant women are prone to stress the pain that death imposes.
Stress on pregnant women also can make the high hormone cortisol. This hormone can make a baby would be prone to allergies after birth. In addition, many reports where the babies born from the womb of pregnant women an easy stress often have autism or emotional disorders even not normal where the baby would be easy to stress because of the little things. In addition, babies born will also experience the development of a body that is not good and very slow. Baby brain also will not be easy to absorb knowledge easily so it's difficult to be educated. In addition, the weight of the baby will be less normal and experience a lot of problems on the cheekbones.
Pregnant women should keep his mind as best as possible to avoid stress. Although there are many problems of the world family, job, or even the environment, it's good pregnant women are able to make his mind free from stress. If necessary, expectant mothers can do meditation or yoga devoted to pregnant women because these activities can make thoughts become fresher and give impact health for pregnancy.