Alphadoctor - In modern times, it's more just kind of new diseases to emerge. No exception of illnesses that are the current boom was Singapore's flu or in medical terms is called Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. The disease is named after flu Singapore because many diseases afflicting the citizens of Singapore until his death. The symptoms of this disease are high fever at first 2-3 days, followed by neck pain (pharyngitis), no appetite, runny nose, flu-like symptoms, in general, are not deadly. The vesicles then rupture has occurred, there are 3-10 ulcers on the mouth like Thrush (tongue, gums, inner cheeks) feels pain so difficult to swallow. At the same time arise rash/rash or vesicles (blisters/redness and blister), papulovesicle that do not itch on the palms of the hands and feet. Sometimes the rash existed in the buttocks. These diseases generally will get better on its own in 7-10 days, and does not need to be hospitalized.
This disease was "self-limiting diseases", that can be cured by itself, in 7-10 days, patients need a break because of the durability of the body decreases. Patients who are hospitalized with symptoms that are severe and the above complications. In patients who suffer from this disease should remain, however when rubbing the body with SOAP should slowly so as not to the nodule. When hay fever sufferers are extremely high, can be assisted with compress and febrifuge. If there are parts of the skin rash and itch, irregular watering can sprinkle with powder deduction itching. A nodule that burst can be given an antibiotic to prevent the spread of the infection. Patients who do not want to eat and drink, her body will be the lack of fluids (dehydration), and thus vulnerable to more severe infection. For a patient like that, then it needs to be hospitalized in order to get enough fluid therapy. In small quantities, there are also patients who experienced complications that are pretty heavy namely encephalitis (inflammation of the brain membrane). HFMD patients with encephalitis symptoms fever that has continuous high and lost consciousness.
This disease often occurs in communities with poor sanitation. Disease prevention is to eliminate those things and the density of the environment; hygiene (Hygiene and sanitation) environments as well as individuals. The easiest way to do is, for example, get used to always wash your hands, especially when close to the sufferer, disinfection equipment food, toys, towels that allow contaminated. Always be alert and immediately seek treatment when the child does not want to eat and drink, vomit constantly and always drowsy but difficult child awakened. Children afflicted by this disease could have enhanced the durability of his body with fixed eating regularly, with good nutrition, food should contain enough protein and calories. It is recommended to drink as much as possible, especially the fresh fruit juice, as well as to adequate vitamin and mineral needs of children afflicted by this disease.
This disease was "self-limiting diseases", that can be cured by itself, in 7-10 days, patients need a break because of the durability of the body decreases. Patients who are hospitalized with symptoms that are severe and the above complications. In patients who suffer from this disease should remain, however when rubbing the body with SOAP should slowly so as not to the nodule. When hay fever sufferers are extremely high, can be assisted with compress and febrifuge. If there are parts of the skin rash and itch, irregular watering can sprinkle with powder deduction itching. A nodule that burst can be given an antibiotic to prevent the spread of the infection. Patients who do not want to eat and drink, her body will be the lack of fluids (dehydration), and thus vulnerable to more severe infection. For a patient like that, then it needs to be hospitalized in order to get enough fluid therapy. In small quantities, there are also patients who experienced complications that are pretty heavy namely encephalitis (inflammation of the brain membrane). HFMD patients with encephalitis symptoms fever that has continuous high and lost consciousness.
This disease often occurs in communities with poor sanitation. Disease prevention is to eliminate those things and the density of the environment; hygiene (Hygiene and sanitation) environments as well as individuals. The easiest way to do is, for example, get used to always wash your hands, especially when close to the sufferer, disinfection equipment food, toys, towels that allow contaminated. Always be alert and immediately seek treatment when the child does not want to eat and drink, vomit constantly and always drowsy but difficult child awakened. Children afflicted by this disease could have enhanced the durability of his body with fixed eating regularly, with good nutrition, food should contain enough protein and calories. It is recommended to drink as much as possible, especially the fresh fruit juice, as well as to adequate vitamin and mineral needs of children afflicted by this disease.