Women are obliged to do a pap smear

Alphadoctor - Health checked early is better than late know of any disease that is lodged in your body. Some parts of the body need special attention to avoid the disease. Here are some medical tests need to be done:

Pap smear

Mandatory pap smear test done on women began to age 21 years, women who were married and already active sexual intercourse. To know the signs of cervical cancer pap smear test done every three years. This applies only to medical tests for women that her health condition is good and not at risk of cancer.


This test uses a small camera that is inserted into the intestine in order to detect the presence of cancer or polyps while you are sedated. Colonoscopy should be done at the age of 50 years or more. Do a repeat every 10 years or repeat more often if found polyps in your gut. Do this test early if you have a family background affected by colon cancer. In addition, immediately checking the condition of your gut if you have bleeding or change in bowel habits.

Depression screening

Women susceptible to depression. Even in some cases, the disorder is often undiagnosed. We recommend that you do this screening if Your mood changes.


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