7 Effects of bad habits nail biting

Not a few people who have a habit of biting nails. Even though they know that this habit is bad for health, it is quite difficult habit to stop.

Nail biting some people are wont to do when he was nervous, thinking seriously, and so forth. This habit is done either intentionally or unintentionally. Although it sounds simple, this habit has quite bad consequences for your health.

Here are some of the consequences of nail biting habit that can make you think twice to continue the bad habit.

1. Causing Disease

Nails is one of the central entry of germs, fungus and bacteria because we are using the hands and fingers us to do all the activities.

Nails bitten, especially if ingested can cause germs, fungi and bacteria into the abdomen and cause various diseases caused by bacteria, such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

In addition, one of the staphylococcus aureus bacteria can cause an infection in the mouth that looked like sores with blisters.

2. Causing Dental Habits Bluffing time hours

Nail biting not only make your nails look not beautiful, but also cause damage to the teeth. Too often nail biting can also cause a new habit, the gnashing of teeth during sleep. This is because the nail biting habit carried into sleep.

If this habit continues, damage to the teeth was unavoidable.

3. Damaging Braces

Nail biting can cause bad impact, especially if you are wearing braces. A dental expert from the University of Brotol suggests that nail biting habit in the long term can make braces broken.

4. The smell of breath

Bacteria, germs and fungi contained in the nail, if it goes into the mouth can cause bad breath are less savory, especially if you also like inserting a finger into the mouth.

5. Damaging Gums

Readiness would have thought that the nail biting habit can be bad for your gums? A health study shows that the habit of nail biting someone can make a person become swollen gums.

This was caused by the fault nails that can be left in the gums.

6. Nails Not Grow Again

One result is most often occur in people who have a habit of biting nails are nails that become damaged, infected and even the risk of not growing back.

It can be seen from the shape of the nails very short. It not only affects the health of your nails, but also nails look unattractive.

7. Appearance Less Attractive

Someone who likes to bite my nails have personally not impressed confidently and easily nervous. It certainly can reduce your appearance in public.


For those of you who still have the habit of nail biting, try to try to stop that negative effects of these habits are not detrimental to health and appearance. May be useful.


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