Down syndrome in children

Down syndrome in children

Alphadoctor - Down's syndrome (trisomy 21, were ") is an abnormality of chromosome that causes mental retardation (mental retardation) and physical abnormalities. The cause is the extra 21st chromosome in knockoffs.


Children suffering from Down's syndrome have a distinctive appearance:
– At the moment of birth, their muscles are slack
– The shape of the bones of the skull asymmetry
– The back of her head horizontally
– Lesions on iris called Brushfield spots
– His head is smaller than normal (mikrosefalus) and abnormal shape
– Flat-Nose, his tongue protruding and his upward slanted eyes
– On the corner of the eye in there is a rounded skin folds (folds of epicanthus)
– Short and wide with Hand fingers are short and often only had one hand on his Palm lines
– The little finger only consists of 2 books and inwards
– Small Ears and set lower
– Between the first and second toes, there is a loophole wide enough
– Impaired growth and development (almost all sufferers of Down syndrome never reaches an average height of adults)
– Mental retardation.

In infants suffering from Down's syndrome are often found congenital heart abnormalities. Premature death often occurs due to an abnormality of the heart. Abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract, such as esophageal atresia (blockage of the esophagus) and duodenal atresia (a blockage of the intestine 12 fingers), it is also often found.


The diagnosis of Down syndrome can be enforced when the babies were still in the womb and screening tests are usually performed on pregnant women who are over 35 years old. With ultrasound assessment could note the existence of physical abnormalities in the fetus. Diagnosis of enforced based on symptoms and physical examination results. With the aid of a stethoscope will be heard to murmur (an extra heart sound).
The usual checks are performed:
– Analysis of chromosome
– Chest X-ray (to show the presence of abnormalities of the heart)
– An Echocardiogram
– Gastrointestinal X-rays


There is no specific treatment for Down syndrome. Certain heart disorders may be repaired through surgery

The prognosis

Children with Down's syndrome are at high risk for suffering from heart disorders and leukemia. If there are two diseases, then reduced her life expectancy; If both of these diseases is not found, then the children can survive to adulthood.
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5 Ingredients How to Get Thicker Hair Naturally

5 Ingredients How to Get Thicker Hair Naturally

Alphadoctor - Hair loss is a common problem that occurs in most people lately. Ironic indeed, considering hair is a valuable asset that can improve one's physical appearance.

There is some common factor that plays a role in the occurrence of loss or hair thinning, such factors include excess stress either physical or emotional, hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, how to hair care is wrong, and hereditary factors.

If you belong to one of the people who are experiencing hair loss, do not trigger panic, you don't need to spend a lot of money to buy products and do expensive treatments. 

Here are 5 natural materials


1. Eggs

Treatment of protein on a regular basis is essential for making the hair stronger and thicker. To give the protein on the hair, the best ingredients are eggs.

Provide some eggs, depending on the length of your hair, and then whisk it properly. Apply egg on hair that has been moistened and let stand about 30 minutes. Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo that you frequently use. This protein treatment was done once or twice a week.

Another way which is also not less good is mixing one egg yolk, one tablespoon of hair oil and two tablespoons of water. Use this mixture to massage your scalp thoroughly. Used once a week to get healthy hair is thick.

2. Olive oil

In addition to the eggs, olive oil also has a perfect effectiveness in regards to nourish your hair. In addition, the natural ingredients will help soften and strengthens hair.

Choose the most natural olive oil, heat and then apply it sparingly on the hair and scalp for 30 minutes. After being silenced in a period of time, rinse the hair thoroughly using a mild shampoo. You can also apply the oil on your hair at night, and then rinsing it off the next day.

3. Avocado

Avocados can also be used to get thick hair that is able to be pleased because it moisturizes and adds to the growth of your hair. Vitamin E contained in this fruit can contribute to the overall health of Your hair strands.

Avocados can also be used to get thick hair that is able to be pleased because it moisturizes and adds to the growth of your hair. Vitamin E contained in this fruit can contribute to the overall health of Your hair strands.

Provide one avocado, mashed until smooth then. Combine with a banana which has also been finely crushed, along with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mixture on your scalp and allow approximately 30 minutes so that nutrients can be absorbed by the scalp. After that, rinse and wash as usual.

4. Castor oil

Castor oil when used regularly to massage your scalp, then it can give perfect thickness to your hair. The content of a high viscosity, making this material is able to protect the health of the hair and prevents hair loss. In addition, vitamin E and fatty acids in it effectively to promote hair growth.

Only use castor oil alone certainly can work well, but you should be mixing with coconut oil that has been heated. Apply on the scalp and massage with the circular motion.

Comb your hair to flatten the oil on all parts of your hair, wrap your head with a towel that has been moistened with warm water. Leave it on for at least one hour and then shampooing your hair as usual. This treatment is done once a week.

5. Aloe Vera

The other ingredients are no less popular compared to previous natural ingredient is Aloe Vera gel. Take the extracted gel from one or two leaves and apply Aloe Vera gel to your scalp. Let sit for 30 minutes before rinsing your hair with warm water. Do this once or twice a week on a regular basis.

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6 tips on maintaining Eyes healthy

6 tips on maintaining Eyes healthy

Alphadoctor - So that the eye vision function works well, maintaining healthy eyes should always be done. Due to a number of diseases can strike the eye, such as hyperopia, presbyopia is much of cataracts, and others. These disorders can reduce vision, even result in permanent blindness. Anything that can be applied, the following tips on maintaining healthy eyes eye health experts strongly recommended.

1. Keep The Eyes While Reading A Book

A penchant for reading books, newspapers, online media and so on is a good activity. Unfortunately, if not done correctly, can cause interference on the sense of sight. Since sometimes reading it with a distance too close. As the best solution, it is strongly recommended to read within the ideal. The distance reading is considered ideally is about 30 cm between the eyes and the book. The purpose of keeping this eye health is so that spared from the attacks of the disease nearsightedness or myopia.

2. Do Not Read While Snooze

Many people like to do this, even though it felt when the eye quickly tired. Read in this position is indeed comfortable to the body, unfortunately not for the eye. Because with this bad habit, someone will be more affected by the disease of nearsightedness or myopia. So, from now on it is very important to avoid the habit of reading a book while you snooze.

3. Read In Bright Conditions

Eye health will also be compromised if read in a room or place a minimal light. It is many still do, regardless of the health factors of the eye. If this custom lasts a long time, then the eye damage will rapidly occur. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to always read in bright places. So it will work with normal vision.

4. Take Time To Rest The Eyes

The eyes also need enough rest. If Your hobby is reading or working in front of a computer screen in the long span of time, then it is very important to always allow time for the eye to rest. It is very important for maintaining eye health.

Due to exposure to light from the monitor screen will give you the impact bad for eye health. When the eye getting tired close your eyes for a moment and then resume activity. In addition often wink, so that the eyes are not too tired while staring at the computer viable.

5. Never Rubbed Eyes

When getting smth. in the eye, you'll usually rub an eye to removing litter. Even though the conditions cannot forever hand clean of germs and dirt. This condition will result in infection of the eye, which can cause harm to the health of the eyes.

 6. The Consumption Of Healthy Food For Eyes

Foods that are rich in vitamin A is very mandatory to commonly consumed. Because of this vitamin can maintain and improve the health of the eyes. Vegetables such as carrots are strongly encouraged to frequently consumed, due to the rich content of vitamin a.
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Stress? Try Coloring Pictures

Stress? Try Coloring Pictures

Alphadoctor - One disease that pretty much attacked modern society is stress. Unwittingly, the jobs that give high enough or even demands a wide range of other issues can make us become stress and ultimately join imposes declining physical health. Various ways did so that this stress problem could be gone, just like a regular refresh with thoughts on the weekend. However, have you ever tried a simple trick: with coloring pictures? Although it looks trivial, coloring the picture turned out to be very effective to make our stress disappears.

In two years, a lot of people who want to find their stress declined by way of coloring pictures. In fact, now there is a coloring book that is set aside for adults. By doing the coloring on the images, we can create stress and depression declined at once to prevent problems this could appear in psychiatric times.

At the moment we are coloring the image, the body turns to get the positive effects for the health of the equivalent of we do meditation! This is because while coloring, our brain will tend not to think of the various problems we face before and are busy thinking about colors if suitable to be placed on the image and imagine the result of the image that we coloring. Health expert Dr. Joel Pearson of the University of New South Wales, Australia even mention if when the brain thinks about size, shape, line, and color combinations, then excessive anxiety, worries, and depression will be able to also disappear.

In addition to for people with stress, other research conducted in 2006 in the United States also shows interesting facts where the cancer survivors follow therapy drawing, coloring, and various other art activities. The therapy proved to be effectively making the physical and emotional pressures during the treatment process take place decreased significantly, especially in terms of reducing the sense of excessive anxiety, depression, and dementia problems. So, do not hesitate, we can dye if we want to relieve stress.
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What causes Injuries on the legs?

What causes Injuries on the legs?

Alphadoctor - Although it looks trifling and activities almost every time we do, walk or run turns out can also cause injury problems. For example, many of us are experiencing the symptoms of discomfort while walking, well that's when on foot or walk due to exercising and let it casually. Gradually a sense of uncomfortable feet eventually evolved into a heavy injury and should get serious handling. Did you know, some of the following things can increase the risks we are exposed to foot injuries.

The use of the footwear identified the leading cause of injury to the feet problem lately. For example, many of the womenfolk who laud the beautiful and charming appearance so wear shoes with high enough rights and less comfortable to wear all day. This turned out to be the trigger to injuries on the legs, excessive pressure on the bones of the legs, and also the pain in the knee. In addition, there are some people who tend to wear shoes with a very fit and size tend to be narrowed so that the toenail any distress. This apparently can trigger inflammation and pain in the feet. Any health experts advise us to wear shoes with a size that is comfortable to wear.

Some people also have a bad habit in the wear footwear every day so it could trigger the problem leg injury. For example, we routinely do sports to rely on just one shoe per day. This turned out to be able to make shoes that are depressed because of heavy physical activity does not return expands and is at risk of causing injury while doing sports at a later date. In addition, shoes are always worn every day also has no chance to remove excessive moisture due to sweat. Another bad habit that many do is to wear shoes without socks. As comfortable as any of your shoes, it's good you still wear socks so that distance was not at risk of the fungal problem or exposed blisters-blisters.

The cause of the leg injury which is not very we thought it turned out is if we experience weight gain significantly. Did you know, if our weight went up by 4.5 kg only, then our feet will have the burden and pressure is much greater when the foot so that it is at risk of getting the issue of pain and injury. For this reason, we should be clever-clever maintain an ideal weight.
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This is a sign that Your Hormone Balance is disturbed

This is a sign that Your Hormone Balance is disturbed

Alphadoctor - Feelings of sadness or being easily become iritabel or performance at work is not good? Hormonal balance is very disturbed could be the cause. A hormone is a chemical compound that is in charge of sending "messages" in the body can affect the function of cells and organs. A normal thing if sometimes at a time of particular hormonal balance be compromised, for example, that occurs in pregnant women, menopausal women and before or when women experience menstruation. However, it should be also noted that some drugs and health problems can cause hormones to become distracted and it required special handling.
Some of the hormonal imbalance can be seen from some of the things below, among others:

1. The menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Menstruation usually occurs every 21 to 35 days. If menstruation failed to come at the same time every month or few months stop menstruation thus, can mean that you have too much or too little of certain hormones. If your age is around the beginning of 50 years then that could be a symptom of pre-menopause. However, if not, the irregular cycle can become a health problem so you should consult a doctor.

2. Chronic acne. The appearance of acne at some time before and during menstruation is a normal thing. However, if acne does not disappear, it could be a symptom of hormonal problems. High androgen hormones can cause the oil glands to work more and affect skin cells and hair follicle surrounding it. Both of these things which cause clogged pores and acne has occurred.

3. Sleep disorders. Sleep disorders can be affected by hormones. The hormone progesterone produced by the ovary help us to get to sleep is halved. If progesterone levels are lower than normal, this makes it difficult to sleep. In addition, low estrogen hormones cause sweat at night, so that can also make the sleep quality can be reduced.
4. Problems in the stomach. The digestive tract is lined by small cells of being respond against the hormones estrogen and progesterone. If the hormone levels are lower or higher than usual, sometimes we feel there is a change in digesting food. That's also why at the time of menstruation, gastrointestinal symptoms come like diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain may be worse than usual.
5. Depression and mood are interrupted. Researchers connect that hormones are low or the presence of the quick change in hormone levels can cause mood being "lost." The estrogen effect on brain chemistry such as serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, all of which also affect mood changes.
6. Appetite increases. If someone feels sadness or mood irritable caused by changes in estrogen levels, such a person could have an increased appetite than usual. In addition, changes in estrogen levels also have levels of leptin in the body. Leptin is a hormone that increases hunger.

7. Head pain. Several things could cause the arrival of head pain. But in some women, low estrogen levels stimulate the onset of headaches. Headaches that occur regular and often about the same area each month could be a sign that your hormone levels at that time were not balanced.
The symptoms above are a few examples of imbalance of hormone levels in the body. Everyone surely has symptoms that are not the same as others. When it turns out that complaints occur constantly to disrupt their activities and relationships with around then the best way is to consult experts in order to obtained exit towards the problem.
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Disease Symptoms of Appendicitis

Disease Symptoms of Appendicitis

Alphadoctor - Many people regard the cecum or Appendix as one organ of the body that are not so useful for the digestive tract. This assumption turns out to be misguided. Appendicitis is apparent plays a major role in the digestive organs healthy considering where much bacteria-good bacteria that will streamline the process of digestion of food. If appendicitis is experiencing inflammation or swelling, then we will experience disease appendicitis. What are the causes of appendicitis this disease?

Appendicitis can occur due to a blockage in the Appendix. Some foods that cannot be digested can get stuck in the cecum and then cause a hardening that could make the Appendix swell. In addition, the presence of bacteria that enter through food can breed rapidly and make appendicitis experience swelling or infection. In addition to bacteria, infection of the appendix may also be caused by the presence of gastrointestinal viruses.

When appendicitis suffered infections and swelling, then we will begin to feel the symptoms of appendicitis. Pain in the abdomen is usually the initial symptoms of this disease. You yourself can determine whether you are experiencing the disease appendicitis or not the easy way i.e. just hit the bottom right part of the abdomen and if you feel the pain, then you could be exposed to disease appendicitis. The symptoms of appendicitis are the next with often you start vomiting and nausea that continue to occur until more than 12 hours. Sufferers of appendicitis often also experience abdominal bloating is often a waste of gas. If left well enough alone, then the sufferer can experience high fever and appendicitis can also so deteriorating.

Before your body's condition got worse, immediately checking the condition of your body if it feels having symptoms appendicitis to nearby doctor. Handling is as early as possible can make healing appendectomy can be done as quickly as possible and you'll quickly recover as readily.
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