Differences Creambath, Hair Spa and Hair Mask - For those of you who are familiar with both the salon hair care or care for themselves at home, usually are familiar with the term cream bath, hair spa and hair mask (hair mask). Third it refers to activities aimed at caring for the hair that is to be more healthy and beautiful, but has each treatment and different methods.
If you do a hair care salon, can normally be directly offered would like the kind of treatment which, whether cream bath, hair spa and hair mask (hair mask)? You can choose based on your own scalp condition. Well, what about those who are not familiar with all the three terms? Let us learn together the difference between the cream bath, hair spa and hair mask is reviewed below.
One type of hair treatment has been known since ancient times. Creambath hair treatment method using a cream according to the problems experienced by the hair, for example, hair loss, oily, dry, dull, limp, coarse and others.
In general, hair care cream bath was done after shampooing. Creams used are cream made from traditional materials naturally safe, for example, from fruits and vegetables.
Creams that have applied to the entire section of hair from the scalp to the tips of the hair, as he slowly massaged in order to perfect the cream seep into the scalp. Then the hair covered with a towel warmer (steam) for 10 to 15 minutes. Hair briefly then aerated and cleaned by shampooing using the appropriate shampoo hair type.
Hair care with cream bath will only treat hair up in part in any cuticle. So not suitable for use as a hair treatment method that has been badly damaged because the results will not be as expected.
Basically, hair care hair spa is very similar to the cream bath. The only difference is the material used as treatment. Material for hair spa more varied with more vitamin content as well as various essential oils derived from fragrances such as lavender, lemon and refreshing fragrance once more soothing.
The treatment is the same as hair care cream bath, a bonus you get is a participating agency relaxed because the scent of the cream hair spa will soothe and relax the body.
Hair dandruff, hair loss, dry and dull hair or other hair problems? It is advisable to choose a hair care hair mask. This method is very suitable to be applied to hair that is experiencing problems severe enough.
Hair care using hair mask is somewhat different than the cream bath or hair spa. At a hair mask, hair care is done by applying it to all parts of the hair cream but do not do gentle massage on the scalp.
The main reason is to treat the problem with good hair because the hair with a lot of problems is usually very fragile, easy to break or fall out.
Well, to identify a problem with your own hair, you can choose one of three hair care in accordance with the conditions of the hair and scalp.
Rutinlah does the hair treatment twice a month in order to become healthy hair look shiny and manageable. Do not be too often because it will make the hair and scalp dry.
If you do a hair care salon, can normally be directly offered would like the kind of treatment which, whether cream bath, hair spa and hair mask (hair mask)? You can choose based on your own scalp condition. Well, what about those who are not familiar with all the three terms? Let us learn together the difference between the cream bath, hair spa and hair mask is reviewed below.
Cream bath
One type of hair treatment has been known since ancient times. Creambath hair treatment method using a cream according to the problems experienced by the hair, for example, hair loss, oily, dry, dull, limp, coarse and others.
In general, hair care cream bath was done after shampooing. Creams used are cream made from traditional materials naturally safe, for example, from fruits and vegetables.
Creams that have applied to the entire section of hair from the scalp to the tips of the hair, as he slowly massaged in order to perfect the cream seep into the scalp. Then the hair covered with a towel warmer (steam) for 10 to 15 minutes. Hair briefly then aerated and cleaned by shampooing using the appropriate shampoo hair type.
Hair care with cream bath will only treat hair up in part in any cuticle. So not suitable for use as a hair treatment method that has been badly damaged because the results will not be as expected.
Differences Creambath, Hair Spa and Hair Mask

Hair Spa

Basically, hair care hair spa is very similar to the cream bath. The only difference is the material used as treatment. Material for hair spa more varied with more vitamin content as well as various essential oils derived from fragrances such as lavender, lemon and refreshing fragrance once more soothing.
The treatment is the same as hair care cream bath, a bonus you get is a participating agency relaxed because the scent of the cream hair spa will soothe and relax the body.
Hair Mask

Hair dandruff, hair loss, dry and dull hair or other hair problems? It is advisable to choose a hair care hair mask. This method is very suitable to be applied to hair that is experiencing problems severe enough.
Hair care using hair mask is somewhat different than the cream bath or hair spa. At a hair mask, hair care is done by applying it to all parts of the hair cream but do not do gentle massage on the scalp.
The main reason is to treat the problem with good hair because the hair with a lot of problems is usually very fragile, easy to break or fall out.
Well, to identify a problem with your own hair, you can choose one of three hair care in accordance with the conditions of the hair and scalp.
Rutinlah does the hair treatment twice a month in order to become healthy hair look shiny and manageable. Do not be too often because it will make the hair and scalp dry.