Differences Creambath, Hair Spa and Hair Mask

Differences Creambath, Hair Spa and Hair Mask
Differences Creambath, Hair Spa and Hair Mask - For those of you who are familiar with both the salon hair care or care for themselves at home, usually are familiar with the term cream bath, hair spa and hair mask (hair mask). Third it refers to activities aimed at caring for the hair that is to be more healthy and beautiful, but has each treatment and different methods.

If you do a hair care salon, can normally be directly offered would like the kind of treatment which, whether cream bath, hair spa and hair mask (hair mask)? You can choose based on your own scalp condition. Well, what about those who are not familiar with all the three terms? Let us learn together the difference between the cream bath, hair spa and hair mask is reviewed below.

Cream bath

One type of hair treatment has been known since ancient times. Creambath hair treatment method using a cream according to the problems experienced by the hair, for example, hair loss, oily, dry, dull, limp, coarse and others.

In general, hair care cream bath was done after shampooing. Creams used are cream made from traditional materials naturally safe, for example, from fruits and vegetables.

Creams that have applied to the entire section of hair from the scalp to the tips of the hair, as he slowly massaged in order to perfect the cream seep into the scalp. Then the hair covered with a towel warmer (steam) for 10 to 15 minutes. Hair briefly then aerated and cleaned by shampooing using the appropriate shampoo hair type.

Hair care with cream bath will only treat hair up in part in any cuticle. So not suitable for use as a hair treatment method that has been badly damaged because the results will not be as expected.

Differences Creambath, Hair Spa and Hair Mask

Hair Spa

Basically, hair care hair spa is very similar to the cream bath. The only difference is the material used as treatment. Material for hair spa more varied with more vitamin content as well as various essential oils derived from fragrances such as lavender, lemon and refreshing fragrance once more soothing.
The treatment is the same as hair care cream bath, a bonus you get is a participating agency relaxed because the scent of the cream hair spa will soothe and relax the body.

Hair Mask

Hair dandruff, hair loss, dry and dull hair or other hair problems? It is advisable to choose a hair care hair mask. This method is very suitable to be applied to hair that is experiencing problems severe enough.

Hair care using hair mask is somewhat different than the cream bath or hair spa. At a hair mask, hair care is done by applying it to all parts of the hair cream but do not do gentle massage on the scalp.

The main reason is to treat the problem with good hair because the hair with a lot of problems is usually very fragile, easy to break or fall out.


Well, to identify a problem with your own hair, you can choose one of three hair care in accordance with the conditions of the hair and scalp.

Rutinlah does the hair treatment twice a month in order to become healthy hair look shiny and manageable. Do not be too often because it will make the hair and scalp dry.
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7 Natural Medicines Used to Eliminate Acne

7 Natural Medicines Used to Eliminate Acne
7 Natural Medicines Used to Eliminate AcneNot a pleasant thing is not it when you wake up in the morning and then you find your face still black scar caused by acne? Many experts dermatologist who suggested using chemical peels containing cucumber for acne scars.

Here is a natural and healthful alternative treatment to overcome the disturbing appearance of acne scars you. Listen and then apply it on a regular basis.

1. Olive oil (Zaitun)

Olive oil is known as one of the natural ingredients that are very good for the skin, because it contains vitamins A, D, E, C, B1, B2, iron and antioxidants. Olive oil itself will maintain the softness of the skin, and the result is your skin will renew skin cells by itself. Warm the oil before it is applied to your skin by using cotton.

Olive oil (Zaitun)

2. Cucumber

With a high water content, cucumber is very beneficial to cure the inflammation caused by acne or scars. Cut fresh cucumber into several pieces, and rub gently on your face. Leave it for 30 minutes, before you rinse your face with fresh water.


3. Tomatoes

Tomato also has a high water content and can soften the skin. Not only that, the content of vitamin A in it also can make the skin cells renew and heal acne scars slowly. Take the contents of the tomatoes with a spoon, apply on the skin, and leave for an hour. Rinse your face with water.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has a soothing function, especially facial skin inflammation caused by acne. Try aloe vera gel which can be obtained directly from the plant, for maximum results. Apply this gel on your face and leave for 20 minutes to dry. Rinse your face with cold water, you will feel different sensations on the skin afterwards.

Aloe vera

5. Potatoes

Turns raw potatoes can cure acne scars effectively though slightly takes time. Cut potatoes appropriate portions and apply on the face with a circular motion. Perform routine up to 3-4 times a week for a month for maximum results.


6. Lemon

Lemon acts as a natural bleach for skin that helps the formation of collagen. Routine use of lemon as a natural mask will disguise facial acne scars on the face gently.


7. Wheat

Wheat also serves as a facial scrub for acne scars or skin that is infected. Make a paste with a combination of wheat and water mixture. Use the paste as Scrub face getting rid of dead skin cells.

Rub on the face gently with circular hand movements, especially on the acne scars, then let stand for 5 minutes. Rinse face with warm water. Perform routine at least twice a week.
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10 THINGS THAT MAKE ACNE difficult to overcome

10 THINGS THAT MAKE ACNE difficult to overcome
10 THINGS THAT MAKE ACNE difficult to overcome - Acne is not just a problem for teenagers, but it can be a problem for people of all ages. There are many reasons why you may not be able to prevent acne and the reason can be different for each person, you have to do is to identify the cause of acne.

Here are the ten most common reasons why it is hard to get rid of acne :

1. Pressure on the skin

If you constantly use the phone, then the pressure of the phone on the skin combined with bacteria that may be hiding there could be a cause of acne recurs. Even refute the chin by hand can cause acne.

2. Washing your face too often

The natural reaction for oily skin is to keep washing the face, but if you wash your face too often, it dries all the natural oils in the skin. It will send a signal for the skin to produce more oil.

Try to reduce the frequency of washing the face. This may make you feel uncomfortable for a while, but the skin will adapt after a few days.

3. Applicator dirty makeup

Remember the last time you clean your makeup brushes and sponges? Whatever you use to touch the face, be sure to keep it clean, or bacteria will accumulate on the device and then transferred directly to your face.

4. Clothes

If you are having problems with acne on the body, may be caused by the clothes you wear. Look at the label on your clothes.

If you wear a lot of synthetic fabrics, there is the possibility of this type of fabric trap dead skin cells and sweat, which may clog pores and cause acne. The skin also needs to breathe, so try to wear loose clothing made of natural fibers.

5. Too much greasy food

Diet has a major role in skin health. If you eat a lot of greasy food, this will also make your skin greasy.

Try reducing fried foods and fast food such as pizza and eat foods that will help reduce the production of excess oil on the skin and get rid of acne.

6. Do not perform routine maintenance

You should perform routine cleaning and moisturizing the skin every morning and every evening regularly. If you skip this routine several times, it will have adverse effects on the skin such as acne and skin arise so dull.

7. Hair Products

Hair care products containing plastics, silicones and oils can cause the pores in the skin become clogged and this will cause acne. The only solution to get rid of acne, in this case, is to tie the hair up or replace the hair care products.

8. hormones

If pimples always occur during menstruation, it could be your hormones are causing the problem. Taking birth control pills can cause hormonal changes as well. You should consult a doctor to ensure that there are no hormonal problems that cause acne.

9. Lack of sleep

Stress and lack of sleep can also cause acne, so try to relax more and make sure you are at least eight hours of sleep each night. Stress can affect the structure of the skin and cause reactions such as acne and lack of sleep will only make you feel more depressed.

10. Do not change the pillowcases

Both face towels and pillowcases can be a trap for bacteria and dead skin cells, allowing both to be replaced regularly. Ideally, face towels should be changed daily and pillowcases at least twice a week.

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Brightening Face Natural way

Brightening Face Natural way
Brightening Face Natural way - One important step to show the beauty of the skin typical of Indonesia is to enlighten him. Take note, brighten and not whiten. Bright skin glow will make increasingly prominent brown skin beauty.

There are very simple tips to make the natural radiant skin. By using lime. The trick, thin slices of lime and water grab. Oles-apply to the entire face had been cleaned. Watch out, do not get into eyes. Let, a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Do this every day.

In the early days of use, you may feel sore and itchy when the face is smeared with lemon juice. It is reasonable, however if you find it does not hold, immediately rinse it. Usually, in time, they will get used.
If you also have to get used to performing ritual liver tonic with lemon squeezed every morning, then you can use the remaining lime juice that has been squeezed. Typically, there is still residual water that we can still use. Wring firmly, apply water to the face.

It is important to note, though lime is a natural material, there are still some people who do not fit in with this material. To find out, first try applying a little at the bottom of the chin, behind the ears, or parts of the ear, let some time, cuci.lihatlah if there is redness, itching or irritation. If no such symptoms, means that safe! You can use it again the next day.
Ready to try? And wait for a bright face but still emits a unique beauty of Indonesian women, be yours! Let's try these tips naturally brighten the face of this.
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Gorgeous With Drugs, leave now!

Gorgeous With Drugs, leave now!
Gorgeous With Drugs, leave now! - Look beautiful is considered as something that must be owned by a woman. No wonder so many women are willing to spend a lot of money to achieve that goal. Maybe this way yet or are still few people know. It's not impossible if we can look beautiful in a natural way and free from side effects. Not only that, we can beat even the appearance of an artist on the television screen. Do not believe? want proof? He's just good tips so that we can look beautiful in a natural way.

1. Facial Treatment

The first thing to do is care of our face. You can boil water and put in a container, wait until the warm water, after that you wash your face by massaging your face with the soft, warm water flush in the face benefits to open the pores of the face to face look fresher. Next select the cooked tomatoes, the most ripe tomatoes, the better because vitamins contained in tomatoes will be many more if it has been cooked. Tomatoes contain Lycopene which is very useful for destroying the free radicals caused by air pollution and fumes, including cigarette smoke. Divide the tomatoes in half and rub it on the face evenly. Wait a few minutes and then wipe your face with cold water to get rid of acne scars goal on the face. Preferably for treatment like this in the mornings because of the face look more fresh after sleep activities in order to maximize results.

2. Movement Do It for You

If you are a Muslim. Salah is an activity that is not only beneficial for mental health but also for the body as a whole one for the breast, is highly recommended for women if they want to have beautiful breasts without surgery then do the movement of prostration five times a day. prostration is a movement in which the upper body burden being pinned on the arm until the palm of the hand when prostrating. In prostration, a woman's breasts are not only good and beautiful but the movement is also able to improve the function of the milk glands. Practiced so well suited for mothers who are awaiting the birth of the child to the mother after giving birth to breastfeeding regularly in children.

3. In Stomach

Had a problem with a bloated stomach? Do not get tempted slimming drugs. Therefore, slimming drugs may be promising instant slimness. But we need to remember, the negative impact on health. Try to live a healthy life by consuming water as much as twelve glasses a day, with water begins can help launch that could come out premises bowels regular. For maximum results please leave the habit of eating too much-fried food.

4. Beauty Section Foot Problems

One more part of a woman is the most important part of the foot, for career women who often use closed shoes will cause mold and cracks on the heel. To overcome this, you can use an alternative to soaking your feet for five minutes in warm water and give the salt in the water, in order to expel germs that are mushrooming in the foot. Or if you want to have capital then use fruit mashed avocado and apply on the heels of dry or moldy

5. Beauty Section Foot Problems

One more part of a woman is the most important part of the foot, for career women who often use closed shoes will cause mold and cracks on the heel. To overcome this, you can use an alternative to soaking your feet for five minutes in warm water and give the salt in the water, in order to expel germs that are mushrooming in the foot. Or if you want to have capital then use fruit mashed avocado and apply on the heels of dry or moldy
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9 Tips to cope with hair loss with herbal ingredients

9 Tips to cope with hair loss with herbal ingredients
9 Tips to cope with hair loss with herbal ingredients - Have beautiful hair and gorgeous a dream of women, especially for women hair is a crown. By having beautiful hair can add a level of confidence to appear in public. But it will be worth it if you are experiencing hair loss. You certainly do not want to experience it, here I will inform you how to cope with hair loss with natural ingredients.

9 Tips to Overcome Hair Loss With Natural Ingredients

1. Avocado

Avocado is known for the high protein content, do not be surprised if avocados are often used for facial treatments. However, make no mistake avocado helpful too fatherly cope with hair loss. you do not believe? Please, you prove yourself. The trick mashes the avocado and mixes well in a bowl until smooth. Spread avocado concoction was on the hair until evenly and let stand for about 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, rinse your hair with shampoo to clean.

2. Hair Tonic

With hair tonic, you can cope with hair loss naturally. This can be done if you have more money.

3. Yoghurt

Yogurt is not just a healthy food, it turns yogurt also has benefits for hair loss. The way is also quite easy, Apply yogurt on your hair like cream bath and let stand a few minutes. Then rinse your hair with warm water to clean

4. Oil Kemiri

Herb that has been trusted since long ago often used to accelerate the growth of the beard and mustache. So do not doubt the efficacy of this hazelnut oil. Now many products hazelnut oil bottle, you just choose a suitable product for your hair. Do not forget to choose the best product for your hair stay healthy.

5. Lime

Well, usually lime is often used as a remedy for sore throats and overcome the oil in the face. But you know, that there is some kind of lemon that is fine and good for natural hair loss treatment. The trick chopped lime juice and apply on your hair for approximately 5 minutes. Next rinse and wash thoroughly.

6. Aloe Vera

Do not doubt the efficacy of aloe vera, because it has many products that make aloe vera shampoo as a principal ingredient. Well, beneficial aloe vera content of the tablets to overcome the loss, the cells can rejuvenate damaged skin and make the skin to the hair becomes healthier. So it is suitable to treat your hair and regrow hair that had fallen out.

7. Green Tea

Beneficial to reduce and cope with hair loss. The antioxidant content of high hair can accelerate hair growth.

8. Ginger

The content in ginger has benefits for hair and very good for the scalp. Its use is the same as applying to the hair until evenly and do not forget to rinse after completion.

9. Garlic

These herbs are also very good for hair care, due to its antioxidant content can accelerate the growth of hair.

That's some natural ingredients for hair loss. Of course, this way is safe and without risk, because it uses natural ingredients. So, do not worry about your hair damaged and suffered loss.
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6 know the secret of the Benefits of spinach for beauty

6 know the secret of the Benefits of spinach for beauty
Spinach is known as a green vegetable that has many benefits. One of the compounds that are well known to be found in spinach is iron. Iron is known to be useful to increase circulation and red blood cells in the body.

However, many do not know that spinach also has the other ingredients such as antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and acid also oxalic. All content is also beneficial to health. However, who would have thought if the nutrients in spinach are also beneficial for beauty?

Here is a review of the benefits of spinach for the treatment of female beauty :


1. Stimulate Hair Growth

Spinach is beneficial for hair 1. Stimulate Hair Growth

Spinach is beneficial for hair growth because it contains vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron, and omega 3 fatty acids that are believed to stimulate hair growth.

Diligent eating spinach to care for the health of your hair and use hair care products that contain spinach as an alternative.

2. Prevent Hair Loss

Not much different from the previous reviews, spinach can prevent hair loss. This is because the iron content in spinach is high enough. One of the causes of hair loss is the lack of iron, so eat spinach in the form of juice can prevent hair loss.

3. Prevent Aging Skin

Unhealthy environment and exposure to strong sunlight can increase the risk of premature aging of the skin.

Spinach contains vitamin A and C is believed very useful for maintaining youthful skin. Vitamin C can help repair damaged skin and regenerate skin tone skin cells so that premature aging of the skin can be prevented.

4. Overcoming face Dull

The Dull face is one of the common problems on the skin. The Dull face can be caused by frequent exposure to sunlight and rarely do facial skin care.

One of the benefits of spinach to make the facial skin is more radiant skin with vitamin K in it which can disguise the black spots and dark spots on the face.

Not only that, eating spinach regularly can also reduce the dark circles under the eyes.

5. As a Natural Sunscreen

The Less clean environment is now full of free radicals that can be a bad effect on the health of the skin. Spinach contains a high content of anti-oxidants and vitamin B that can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Both of these contents can also reduce wrinkles on the skin and tighten sagging facial skin.

6. Preventing and Coping with Acne

One of the other benefits of spinach for skin beauty is to prevent and treat acne.

Spinach is believed to help cleanse toxins from the digestive tract and bloodstream which is often one of the causes of acne.


Benefits of great spinach for the beauty you can find by eating spinach regularly with dishes made from spinach, or make juices and smoothies made from spinach. May be useful.growth because it contains vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, potassium, magnesium, iron, and omega 3 fatty acids which belief can stimulate hair growth.

Diligent eating spinach to care for the health of your hair and use hair care products that contain spinach as an alternative.

2. Prevent Hair Loss

Not much different from the previous reviews, spinach can prevent hair loss. This is because the iron content in spinach is high enough. One of the causes of hair loss is the lack of iron, so eat spinach in the form of juice can prevent hair loss.

3. Prevent Aging Skin

Unhealthy environment and exposure to strong sunlight can increase the risk of premature aging of the skin.

Spinach contains vitamin A and C is believed very useful for maintaining youthful skin. Vitamin C can help repair damaged skin and regenerate skin tone skin cells so that premature aging of the skin can be prevented.

4. Overcoming face Dull

The Dull face is one of the common problems on the skin. The Dull face can be caused by frequent exposure to sunlight and rarely do facial skin care.

One of the benefits of spinach to make the facial skin is more radiant skin with vitamin K in it which can disguise the black spots and dark spots on the face.

Not only that, eating spinach regularly can also reduce the dark circles under the eyes.

5. As a Natural Sunscreen

The Less clean environment is now full of free radicals that can be a bad effect on the health of the skin. Spinach contains a high content of anti-oxidants and vitamin B that can protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Both of these contents can also reduce wrinkles on the skin way and tighten sagging facial skin.

6. Preventing and Coping with Acne

One of the other benefits of spinach for skin beauty is to prevent and treat acne.

Spinach is believed to help cleanse toxins from the digestive tract and bloodstream which is often one of the causes of acne.


Benefits of great spinach for the beauty you can find by eating spinach regularly with dishes made from spinach, or make juices and smoothies made from spinach. May be useful.
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10 most popular diet in the World

10 most popular diet in the World
If you are trying to lose weight, find the right diet for you is not an easy thing. The right diet depends on your reasons for doing the diet.

For example, some people go on a diet just to lose weight, while others go on a diet to keep his diabetes remained stable, or simply because they want to eat healthy food.

Whatever your reason for changing your diet, let us identify 10 of the most popular diets from around the world.

1. Diet 5: 2

Diet 5: 2 insists that you eat food like a normal person for 5 days before fasting during the next two days. According to those who have been practicing this diet into their lives, diet 5: 2 did help us to lose weight. Moreover, Diet 5: 2 also enhances cognitive abilities and youthfulness of our skin.

Diet 5: 2 is quite useful if you find it difficult to reduce your intake for seven days a week. By reducing your intake to just 2 days a week, life became much healthier.

2. The South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is one of the most popular diets, and diet offers a good final result on your body if you adopt the methods in it appropriately. But actually, south beach diet was originally conceived to help heart patients.

South beach diet is very popular at this time allows you to eat three meals a day, and twice eating snacks. You also need to follow a regular exercise program.

3. Jenny Craig Diet

The Jenny Craig Diet claims that you will lose about 1 kg a week, and is known as one of the easiest diets do. Jenny Craig Diet asks you eat a certain food menu set by Jenny Craig, as well as a bunch of recipes that are tailored to you.

You are even given your personal consultant after registration, which makes this diet is really good. You will have the support and motivation to offer, and you'll be notified each week how much you should eat.

4. The New Atkins Diet

Atkins diet became one of the most popular diets, but now has been replaced by The New Atkins Diet, which aims to convert your body into a fat burning machine, and this is done with a sense of hunger you from carbohydrates. Body without carbohydrates, you will burn fat to produce energy.

New Atkins diet is popular because it helps women to lose weight quickly, and also encourages us to reduce the consumption of liquor.

5. The Mediterranean Diet

One of the other most popular diets is the Mediterranean diet, which does not have a specific list and a specific timetable for taking your food. In contrast, the Mediterranean diet is so popular simply because the Mediterranean diet is a healthy diet.

Introducing the Mediterranean diet into your life means that you will reduce the risk of diabetes, dementia, and heart disease, you will become agiler, and you will also increase your chances of living longer.

The Mediterranean diet is full of delicious food, such as fruits, vegetables, grains and seafood.

6. Alkaline Diet

Alkaline diet also included the most popular types of diets, because it is supported by celebrities including Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Victoria Beckham.

According to an alkaline diet, our modern eating habits make our bodies contain too much acid. And because our bodies do not know what to do with this acid, ultimately converted into fat. So this diet will encourage you to reduce the consumption of acidic foods. There is a considerable list of these foods include caffeine, beer, milk, refined sugar, etc.

7. Volumetrics Diet

The Volumetrics Diet has been increasingly popular for a few years now, and this diet encourages you to eat more food.

With Volumetrics Diet, you will eat more or just as much as a certain amount but you really will lose weight because you will eat the right foods.

The key is that you eat healthy foods that fill you up without filling your body with calories.

8. Slimming World Diet

Slimming World Diet is one of the most popular diets, and it starts by asking you to replace all high-fat foods with low-fat foods are equivalent to make you satisfied.

Diet refers to the low-fat foods, including vegetables, pasta, rice, fruit and eggs. According to the Slimming World diet, you can eat as much as you like from all of this type.

9. WeightWatchers diet

The WeightWatchers diet has been around for years, and is based on a system that gives value to the food and beverages that are based on the amount of fiber, protein, fat and carbohydrates found in them.

WeightWatchers diet seeks to reduce the number of your calorie intake, so you can eat as much as any fruits and vegetables that you like.

10. The Engine 2 Diet

Engine 2 Diet, sounds like a prototype for a robot, but this diet is based on a very simple principle that gets rid of junk food and replace it with good food and nutritious.

Engine 2 Diet offers an overall program that teaches you how to cook in a way that is better, eating better, and how to live better. It is an energetic diet to get your body fitter and vibrant.
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7 Effects of bad habits nail biting

7 Effects of bad habits nail biting
Not a few people who have a habit of biting nails. Even though they know that this habit is bad for health, it is quite difficult habit to stop.

Nail biting some people are wont to do when he was nervous, thinking seriously, and so forth. This habit is done either intentionally or unintentionally. Although it sounds simple, this habit has quite bad consequences for your health.

Here are some of the consequences of nail biting habit that can make you think twice to continue the bad habit.

1. Causing Disease

Nails is one of the central entry of germs, fungus and bacteria because we are using the hands and fingers us to do all the activities.

Nails bitten, especially if ingested can cause germs, fungi and bacteria into the abdomen and cause various diseases caused by bacteria, such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

In addition, one of the staphylococcus aureus bacteria can cause an infection in the mouth that looked like sores with blisters.

2. Causing Dental Habits Bluffing time hours

Nail biting not only make your nails look not beautiful, but also cause damage to the teeth. Too often nail biting can also cause a new habit, the gnashing of teeth during sleep. This is because the nail biting habit carried into sleep.

If this habit continues, damage to the teeth was unavoidable.

3. Damaging Braces

Nail biting can cause bad impact, especially if you are wearing braces. A dental expert from the University of Brotol suggests that nail biting habit in the long term can make braces broken.

4. The smell of breath

Bacteria, germs and fungi contained in the nail, if it goes into the mouth can cause bad breath are less savory, especially if you also like inserting a finger into the mouth.

5. Damaging Gums

Readiness would have thought that the nail biting habit can be bad for your gums? A health study shows that the habit of nail biting someone can make a person become swollen gums.

This was caused by the fault nails that can be left in the gums.

6. Nails Not Grow Again

One result is most often occur in people who have a habit of biting nails are nails that become damaged, infected and even the risk of not growing back.

It can be seen from the shape of the nails very short. It not only affects the health of your nails, but also nails look unattractive.

7. Appearance Less Attractive

Someone who likes to bite my nails have personally not impressed confidently and easily nervous. It certainly can reduce your appearance in public.


For those of you who still have the habit of nail biting, try to try to stop that negative effects of these habits are not detrimental to health and appearance. May be useful.
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7 benefits of turmeric for beauty

7 benefits of turmeric for beauty

Turmeric is the spice that comes from tropical regions, namely Asia which has been used since hundreds of years ago as a medicine.

Turmeric contains many substances that are beneficial to the body, such as vitamin C, curcuminoid, as well as an antiseptic substance which can be used to treat diseases such as measles, allergies, ulcers, cancer to diarrhea and vomiting. Not only that, a natural antiseptic content in turmeric can also be used to treat rashes and itchy skin and treat sunburn.

It turned out that turmeric benefits do not stop there. Turmeric can also be utilized for all
beauty body and face. Here are 7 benefits of turmeric for beauty women. Here is purpose turmeric for women.

1. Treating Acne

Acne is a very common skin problem and requires special treatment to cure it. You can make use of turmeric to reduce acne and prevent acne came back.

The trick is to make a face mask of turmeric. Mix one tablespoon of turmeric powder with yogurt and honey. Stir until it turns into a thick paste and apply on the face evenly.

Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. Try not to let the mask for too long in the face because turmeric contains natural dyes that are difficult to if left too long.

2. Overcome Oily Skin

Face the risk of oil has undergone several skin problems. Masks made from turmeric can make to cope with oily skin

Mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice or lime juice and apply on face. Let stand for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

3. Prevent Aging

Premature aging can occur through signs on the skin such as fine wrinkles. One of the things that you can do by using turmeric is to make a mask of turmeric powder mixed with 1 tablespoon of rice flour, 1 tablespoon milk and 1 tablespoon of tomato juice. Wear for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

The content of this mask will prevent premature aging to smooth wrinkles on your face and make your face constantly moist. Do it regularly.

4. Addressing Excess Pigmentation

The skin is often exposed to direct sunlight at risk of burning and raised black spots. Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic naturally in turmeric can be used to overcome it.

The trick of turmeric powder mixed with cucumber juice and apply on the skin for 20 to 30 minutes, leave to dry and rinse thoroughly.

5. Overcoming Dandruff and Hair Loss

For those of you who have dandruff scalp problems and hair often fall out, Use grated turmeric on the scalp and let stand a few minutes then rinse thoroughly.

6. Smooth Skin Heel and Elbow

The skin on heels and elbows prone areas dry and dull. You can make use of turmeric to make the skin soft heel and elbow. The trick turmeric powder mixed with coconut oil and apply on the heel and elbow.

Massage lightly and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

7. Lifting the dead skin cells

Facial skin and body are rarely treated tend to have a lot of dead skin cells. The way to handle it is to make a scrub of turmeric. Mix turmeric powder with chickpea flour and rub gently on your skin, then rinse thoroughly.

Perform routine to get the skin soft and clean.
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